Tuesday, March 22, 2005

Unhappy Conservatives
posted by Ben

So Bush and Congress may really have overstepped this one!
Yahoo! News - Bush Role in Schiavo Case Bothers Right: "Not all conservatives are happy with the decision by Congress and President Bush to intervene in the Terri Schiavo case. Some leaders said Tuesday the new law allowing a federal court review of the case is an example of the big government they have always opposed.

'To simply say that the 'culture of life,' or whatever you call it means that we don't have to pay attention to the principles of federalism or separation of powers is certainly not a conservative viewpoint,' said former Rep. Bob Barr, R-Ga.

Allan Lichtman, who chairs the history department at American University in Washington, said the intervention of Congress and Bush to try to overturn the decision by Schiavo's husband not to prolong her life is the antithesis of several conservative principles.

'It contradicts a lot of what those behind it say they believe: the sanctity of the family, the sacred bond between husband and wife, the ability of all of us to make private decisions without the hand of government intervening, deference to states and localities as opposed to the centralized government,' said Lichtman."
That's what happens when you try to mix the politics of false morality with a neoconservative bigger-is-better ideology. Confusion in the base.


Off topic, I'm teaching in a second grade classroom tomorrow and Thursday at a prep school with a very strict dress code. It will be late in the day before I can post, but I'll likely have some thoughts about private solutions to the problems with public education!