Student-tracking robots
posted by Ben
In Japan, a new system for school security was recently introduced that uses a combination of robots, security cameras, and RFID tags to keep track of students and visitors. While the original article is right here, the Google translation leaves something to be desired. A brief search found a better translation:
Secom released a new security system for schools called "SECOM School Security." This system not only monitors kids using RFID tags while they are commuting to and from a school but also uses security guard robots (called SECOM Robot X) that move around and monitor school properties (actually they can also "scare" suspicious people by fast movements, light and smoke; please see this page and the mpeg here. It's amazing! On top of the robot, I suspect, is an omni-directional camera that takes pictures of 360-degrees.)But it gets even better. Video is available of one of these robots as it responds to suspicious student activity.
Also, the system includes surveillance cameras and metal detecters installed at school gates. RFID tags are attached to KoKo Secom Terminals (carried by kids) which will be read at school gates and elesewhere. Parents receive status of kid's commute on their cell phones. KoKo Secom terminals also has a GPS functionality that track kids' whereabouts outside school properties.
It sure makes the traditional metal detectors and razor wire in use at many fine American high schools look passé, doesn't it? Why didn't the schools use killer robots to maintain the peace when I went to high school?
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