Monday, February 14, 2005

The President's Complete Program Cuts
posted by Ben

With thanks to the San Francisco Gate:

Here are the 154 programs that President Bush wants to eliminate or cut in his 2006 budget proposal. Bush would terminate 99 programs and make major spending reductions in 55. Separately, the administration listed eight major reforms Bush proposed that also would produce spending cuts.

Of the terminations, Bush has recommended 59 of them before. Twenty-seven of the 55 programs targeted for spending reductions have been previously submitted to Congress.

These terminations will cut far less from the deficit than would repealing only those tax cuts which Bush gave to the wealthiest 1% of Americans. In other words, the richest people in this country are more important to him than ANY of the programs listed below.

Now the entire list is pretty incredible reading, but I wanted to showcase just one of the many, many cuts:

Homeland Security: State and Local Homeland Security Grants

Keep in mind that the President also just requested another $80 billion to continue his wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.