Saturday, March 26, 2005

New XML Site Feed
posted by Ben

For those of you who are technically fluent in the ways of RSS or XML enabled content, I have added an XML feed to the blog. The link is available permanently directly below my statcounter on the sidebar.

Also, hello to new regular readers in Denver, Colorado; Redmond, Washington (unless Dave is visiting his parents); and Santa Barbara, California. The blog's heaviest traffic, however, continues to come from Tacoma, Washington; Portland, Oregon; and Columbus, Ohio.

In today's flurry of new posts, you may have missed that Part Four of American Geniuses is now available. If you haven't checked out my serialized screenplay yet, now is a great time to start, because next week introduces a government black ops unit and a strange land beneath the ocean. You won't want to miss it.

Finally, if you haven't voted for "Campaign Ad" yet, make sure you click over to INdTV and vote today. I directed "Campaign Ad" last year from a script by Matt Vancil and Nathan Rice. Voting ends in just four days, so now is the time to vote and to pass the word along to your friends, family, associates, and anyone else who might enjoy it. More information is also available at
