New Media Tuesday: The Universe is Really Big
posted by Ben
Today's new media installment is actually a piece that I had absolutely nothing to do with. However, it is my great pleasure to provide a link to my friend Dave Wolbrecht's website, where you can see his exciting music video, "Really Big Universe".
I've been working with Dave for a number of years now, especially in his capacity as a performer with DG Improv. Little Davey has always been a few years behind the rest of us academically (because he's young, not because he's stupid or anything) but now that he's finally graduating from good old Pacific Lutheran, what better way to go out than with an irony-tinged rap about the universe. The technical quality and editing aren't half bad either. :)
Way to go, Dave. I should also give 'mad props' to collaborator Phil M Price, whose techno and music producing skills are always cutting-edge. Way to go, Phil.
In any case, you can view the video right here if you have Windows Media Player. (When Dave is done with finals, I'll talk him through the Quicktime/Sorenson compression process.)
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