Friday, April 01, 2005

Psychotic Behavior
posted by Ben

Imagine the following scenario:

There is a mostly empty room with a hundred dollar bill on the floor, a file cabinet by the wall, and a hidden camera in the ceiling.

One man enters with a folder, notices the dollar, leaves it, puts the folder in the filing cabinet, and leaves.

A second men enters with a folder, puts it in the cabinet, and takes the $100 on the way out.

Later that day, the two men are brought before the building supervisor and questioned about the dollar. Each man denies taking the $100.

If you were the supervisor, how would you handle this case?

The answer is easy. You check the security camera video to see who took the $100.

If you were the mainstream media, however, you might do something very different.

You would sit down in a nice studio with an audience, the two men, and a pleasant moderator. You would encourage them to blame each other for the theft with ever increasing vitriol. You would side with whichever man was most outraged about being accused, regardless of whether or not he actually stole the $100. Citing the need for balance and fairness, you would laugh off any proof that the innocent man offered that could clear him. All of this, DESPITE your ability to easily track down the truth and hold the guilty man responsible.

Sound impossible? The media does it every day when they value presenting both sides of an argument as factual, even when one can verifiably be shown to be an absolute lie.

Don't believe me? How many "experts" have you seen on television over the past few weeks claiming that poor, politically-abused Terri Schiavo was conscious, communicating, and lucid? Sure, that was the other side of the fence from those who knew something about medicine and science, but did giving equal airtime to quacks, fakes, and liars help clarify matters? Absolutely not.

This is the model of new American media: ignore the facts and give liars the same or more respect than the truthtellers. Because who cares about the truth? Somebody might be out to attack you for being unfair to a perspective based in lies, hate, and ignorance.