Blog Snybod: Conference Week
posted by Ben
I am leaving shortly to attend a conference in Las Vegas, where I will be promoting three completed films, one movie that's currently in production, and a number of potential future projects.
While I will attempt to maintain a daily posting minimum, I don't know yet whether I will have consistent net access during this time, so in a worst case scenario, you may not hear from me again until Friday morning, at which time I will begin catching up.
This is a less than opportune time to leave the blog alone, as I have only just established a core group of daily returning visitors, but I trust that four days away will not cause you all to forget my existence completely.
Please feel free to use this post as an open thread. Who knows, maybe my absence will be enough of a catalyst to get a discussion going in the comments section.
Finally, New Media Tuesday will be pushed back to be New Media Friday this week.
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