Thursday, March 10, 2005

Social Security and the Bankruptcy Bill
posted by Ben

Full article at Daily Kos

Not that this should come as a surprise to anyone, but the good old GAO has once again crunched the numbers and determined that Bush's Social Security notion (there's not enough there to call it a plan) won't help Social Security and will cause more massive deficits.
They wouldn't shore up the system, he said, if they were financed, or "carved out," from current Social Security taxes, as Bush proposes, and accompanied by no other changes. By themselves, he said, such private accounts would "exacerbate" the system's problems and accelerate the date for when it would start spending more on pension benefits than it receives in annual revenue.
Has anyone thought to compare the increased 'debt accountability' that the recently passed Bankruptcy Bill mandates to the complete lack of 'debt accountability' evidenced by the Bush administration? Seems to me that the message we're getting is "Poor folks must pay off any debt they owe, no matter the cause, but their government can get into all the debt it wants and pass the debt back to those poor folks' children."