Tuesday, April 05, 2005

San Francisco, Update #2a
posted by Ben


- Today was insane.
- Spike Jonze looks good in orange.
- There are only so many ways Al Gore can make a congratulations and a handshake sound fresh and exciting. (The limit seems to be three.)
- I assume that afterparties suck.
- Tipper Gore is extremely friendly.
- Leo DiCaprio looks just like himself. So does Sean Penn. Mos Def doesn't.
- You can get good burritos in the Mission district.
- Socialist, scientist, queer, transgendered, tattooed people have fascinating opinions. Network executives are boring.
- I know more about San Francisco's mayor than my cab driver. San Francisco's mayor looks like a cleaned-up Sean Penn.
- Al Gore's daughter knows all about how to sit through and survive big social events where she doesn't know anyone.
- Five thousand people saw "Campaign Ad" on the jumbotron, but I was too busy editing a dead end project upstairs to see if they laughed or not.
- There was absolutely no reason for me to be in San Francisco today.
- I should have eaten some of that beautiful catered food from the big spread, but it would have required polite mingling to reach the table.
- I don't do polite mingling.
- I don't do nonsense conversations.
- If you ask me a question, don't be shocked if I give you a real answer.
- I'll probably be in a much better mood tomorrow.