Tuesday, February 15, 2005

Another missile defense failure
posted by Ben

Daily Kos :: Another missile defense failure

I heard about this on NPR yesterday. (Pop quiz: How many of NPR's major hosts also work or have worked for Republican causes?) Another test of the missile defense system failed when an $85 million dollar missile fizzled on the launch pad. When students fail, of course, this administration takes away their funding. When missiles fail, he pumps more in. It's like Dennis Kucinich said: "No Missile Left Behind!"

In the meantime, Bush rants about cutting "government programs that don't work." I suppose that's why his new budget terminates the Education Department's Comprehensive School Reform program, Vocational Education State Grants, and the Dropout Prevention Program. Why bother saving America's children, right? I mean, they're only really worth saving when they're in the womb. After that, who cares? (I'll write some other time about the difference between Pro-life and Pro-birth advocates.)