Thursday, February 17, 2005

Class Action Suits
posted by Ben

Bush says that he wants to "reduce the frivolous lawsuits that clog our courts, hurt the economy, cost jobs and burden American businesses."

What he means is "let business get on with their profits without any responsibility for when their actions hurt or kill people."

Did you know that Wal*Mart has joined the meat packing industry with a very special type of federal exemption that gives them massive advance warning before agents are allowed to investigate claims of wrongdoing? Oh, and that recall of contaminated beef is entirely voluntary and cannot be legally forced?

If people were allowed to file lawsuits over child labor violations or the beef that killed their aunt, do you imagine that they would be doing so frivolously?

Just remember, when you hear people talk about tort reform, they mean taking away people's right to sue corporations for wrongdoing. That may be good for the bottom line, but if you believe that the majority of corporations are going to be good upright citizens that always act in the interest of the people, it may be time for a slight reality check.