Thursday, February 17, 2005

And Speaking of Social Security
posted by Ben

Social Security is VERY solvent

The debate among those responsible for the actual numbers is pretty interesting. Funny how we're only hearing about one of the scenarios that they've been working through.
The administration is assuming a 4.6 percent return on private accounts. "That's the basic contradiction," said Shapiro. "In order to get that kind of return, the economy would have to be growing fast enough so that most of Social Security's financing problem would have gone away."
Read the whole thing. With, you know, things like source documents from Treasury Department research papers. Then tell me that there's a Social Security crisis.

Of course, this is all a bit late, as Bush has admitted that his plan will do nothing to fix Social Security. It would just put more American dollars into the hands of the rich. And make a Social Security crisis more likely. Which would then, of course, justify getting rid of Social Secuity.

Haven't we seen the creation of false crises from this administration before? And hasn't acting on those false crises created plenty of new, real ones? It's almost like they're doing it on purpose.